Hi, everybody, here is our second testimony about our Leonardo De Vinci Mobility in Reunion Island!!
Since our first testimony, many things have changed here. Of course, we are not talking about this beautiful weather (although it’s getting warmer and warmer here) or the island with her mesmerising/fascinating/spellbinding landscapes and people, who would change that? No, we are talking about our project in Mission Locale and our activities.
Since everything calmed down after the big event we had last week (AKS), we had more time to organise our timetable and the activities we will do here as trainees.
With our mentor, Philomène, we planned to do as much as we can do during this short period of time, to be able to learn as much as we can, but also to give as much as we can!
Here are some of the activities we started: amongst others, you will find English courses for the youth working with Mission Locale who would like to improve their level or just discover a new language; a multi-media workshop where we are trying to create a video about AKS, the previous event of Mission Locale; a theatre workshop, where we create new plays about hot topics that we find in Réunion, such as racism, violence, poorly-balanced diet, or even incest.
We had so many ideas of what we could do here that it is impossible for both of us to do everything! That’s why when Fin is working in the multi-media workshop, Aurélie will do other activities such as working at the reception or shadowing advisers in their work with young people.
One important part of our project is to devote our time to young people and to communicate with them. We meet a lot of young people during our different workshops and when we work around the Mission Locale office & reception. We also have the opportunity to meet other Leonardo trainees from Réunion Island who are going to the UK in January for 3 months. Once a week, we spend the morning together to speak about the Leonardo program and the opportunity that this program gives us, the cultural differences between Réunion Island and the UK, and their worries and questions they have about their hosting country. During these meetings, we are also attending English courses where we can help them to improve their English by acting some situations they might be exposed there.
Now that we have spent some time here on this island, you may think that we are getting used to life here, but that is absolutely not the case! We are still enjoying every single moment we have here, amazed by everything and we still have so many places to visit, local food to taste or local music to listen to… For so little time…
Aurelie and Fin, short term Leonardo Trainees.
For more pictures, visit Fin’s Tumblr : http://leonardoreunion.tumblr.com
Project part of Gaining Through Training
and supported by ECORYS UK
and the Lifelong Learning Programme
of the European Commission.