On the 29th of August, with the help of our European Solidarity Corps volunteers, we salvaged tons of good quality camping equipment left behind by festival goers at Leeds Festival. All this equipment as well as food has been passed onto local community organisations.
In total we salvaged:
● 84 tents
●128 sleeping bags
● 126 roll mats
● 73 inflatable mats
● 115 camping chairs
● as well as tons of food
Here are a few testimonies from charities we helped:
“Thank you to Leeds Festival and Everything is Possible, especially their team of volunteers, for supporting Harrogate Homeless Project this year. We are a local independent charity; therefore, we rely heavily on donated items to keep our services running. The good quality sleeping bags that have been reused and donated, along with the food that we have used at our day centres lunchtime service, will make a real difference to the wellbeing of the most vulnerable people within our community. Thank you!” – Harrogate Homeless Project Ltd
“Thank you to the volunteers from the Everything is Possible team who salvaged camping equipment for our Scout Group from Leeds Festival this year. We have already used a number of the tents and roll mats received in two spring camps we have completed with our Cubs (ages 8 – 10) and Scouts (ages 10 – 14) in addition to some of the sleeping bags. We are aiming to hold a summer camp in 2023 and I am sure the equipment will be used again – allowing us to offer a camp (for children 4 – 18 years old) for families who are struggling at the moment.” – 9th Mirfield Scout Group
“Thank you all at everything is possible for the donation of tents and food salvaged from the leeds festival this year. These donations have given us the opportunity to shelter and feed homeless people in our local area while we try to locate possible housing or shelters and just to let you know that some of the homeless we have found accommodation for returned the tents so we could help others. Thanks once again and hopefully see you next year keep up the good work! from Darryl and Neil” – Roundthorn rd lighthouse Homeless project
“The equipment we received from Everything is Possible enabled us as a group in a very deprived area to get our young people out for camps in the open spaces around Bradford. We can supply sleeping bags for all who need them and the tents allow us to take ALL our young people at once”. – 34th Bradford South
“Our organisation picked up tents sleeping bags and ground mats from everything is possible for our project roundthorn Rd lighthouse project, for the homeless and people with addiction, this is such an important part of our project is to keep people off the streets and warm and dry, so having the chance to get the camping gear really is saving lives , and the left over food provisions was an added bonus , want to say a massive thank you from all the staff and clients at the lighthouse project to Everything is possible, and their amazing staff.” – Lighthouse project, Salvation army Oldham.