Ever thought about taking part if a worthwhile project abroad, while developing professional & personal skills?
We are offering training projects to help you develop skills in project such as:
● ANIMAL CARE at Caprifolen Horses Sweden – February – April 2023
● MECHANICS at Aruba submarine – March – July 2023
● OUTDOOR EDUCATION at Depalm Island – March – July 2023
● SPORTS COACHING in Jamaica – April – June 2023
THESE PROJECTS ARE FREE. They are funded by the Turing Scheme. There are no costs to you (flights, food and accommodation are paid for you).
WHO IS IT FOR? We are looking for ex-vocational students, who completed their studies in the last 12 months in the field of either mechanics, outdoor education or sports coaching. You must be living in the UK, confident and ready to try new things. For some projects in Aruba, you will need a driving licence.
ABOUT EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE: We are a non-profit organisation based in York. Over the past 23 years we offered international mobility opportunities to thousands of young people.
HOW TO APPLY? Download the application and send it fully completed back to mel@everythingispossible.eu with subject line “Turing Application” by the 31st January 2023 (DEADLINE)
INFO SESSION – ANY QUESTION? Join us on the 15th January, 7pm (online).
CLICK HERE to register to our next information session online, which will take place on Sunday the 15th January at 7pm.
Animal care in Sweden – Caprifolen Turing by Everything Is Possible on Scribd
Sport Coaching in Jamaica by Everything Is Possible on Scribd
Mechanics in Aruba – Aruba Submarine by Everything Is Possible on Scribd
Outdoor Education in Aruba – Palm Island by Everything Is Possible on Scribd

The Turing Scheme / UK Government support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Turing Scheme / UK Government cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.