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I am Declan, I am 18 years old, I study sport at Kirklees college in Huddersfield.
During my time in Valencia I gained some experience in coaching, we coached football. In this experience we learned the key ways that Spanish coaches control the participants and also the drills that they do. We coached with all age groups.
During our free time we got to do a lot of things these include a tour of the Mestalla stadium, we got to watch games and we learned to cook paella.
I have learned many things during this project, I have learned to speak some simple Spanish terms which helped during coaching. I also learned different drills and skills. I have developed as an individual in terms gaining more confidence and becoming more educated in different football methodology.
Declan Osborne

Vocational Educational Training (VET) project part of ‘Discovering More’, co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
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