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Hi my name is Erin. I am 17 and I am from Cumbria.
During my project I have been in two different schools to learn their culture as well as show them what our lives are like in England. I have worked  with kids to learn what they do in their spare time and organised sport activities.
In my free time I have experienced many activities from playing ice hockey and going walking as well as going out with some local teenagers.
Thanks to Erasmus+ I have professionally experienced teaching the younger generation of the Swedish kids sporting activities that we undertake in the England.
Personally I have gained a lot more confident taking to a group of people, I have experienced Swedish activities that I can take back to England and help with my education and expand on my future career.
Erin Walsh


Vocational Educational Training (VET) project part of ‘Discovering More’, co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
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