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My name is Bethany Moody, I am studying Level 3 Sports Development, Coaching and Fitness.
When I was coaching I did various different types of activates they were, football, biking, gymnastics, water sports and rugby. We did a wide range of activities and got involved and took part when we could.
In the free time we went to various different beaches, we also went to the slave museum, it was really interesting. We also had an intercultural evening with the young people from youth in the town.
Thanks to Erasmus+, professionally I have learnt how to teach and help coach children that speak a different language. Having the language barrier there was very difficult but it made me push and challenge myself.
Bethany Moody

Vocational Educational Training (VET) project part of ‘Discovering More’, co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
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