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Once again, Everything is Possible has been salvaging quality camping equipment left behind at Leeds Festival, that we passed onto local community organisations.

This year our action had even more impact than in 2017 as we have been able to support 12 organisations working with homeless people, refugees, disadvantaged people in general and scouts.  All those organisations mentioned being in desperate need of this equipment for their activities.

Festival of Opportunities 2018 - Salvage Day
Our amazing team of international volunteers – all passionate by environment and music – have salvage several tonnes of camping equipment. This includes more than a hundred of tents and thousands of sleeping bags, rolls mats, camping chairs and pairs of wellies.

Calderdale SmartMove says: “Huge thank you to Everything is Possible for collecting leftover camping equipment and food from Leeds Festival. With their help we’ve picked up two car loads which will be passed on to homeless people in Calderdale”.


Elliot Hudson College says: “I would like to thank you and all the volunteers from Everything is Possible.  We now have 5 tents, roll mats and sleeping bags that will enable young people to take part and complete the Duke of Edinburgh’s award at Elliott Hudson College.  The collection was extremely well organised, communication was clear and the equipment was clean and in really good condition.  Most of the tents have only been used for the festival.  A really worthwhile project on many different levels. Thank you so much.”

During two weeks, as part of our project “Festival of Opportunities 2018”, our volunteers have helped keeping environmentally friendly two major festivals in the UK (Leeds Festival and TribFest); encouraging festival goers to recycle, picking up what could be recycled; and finally encouraging people to donate to charities all the camping equipment they would not take back with them after the festivals.

This project has been co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.

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“Festival of Opportunities” project organised by Everything is Possible and funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union – The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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